Cidade do Porto (Oporto)
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If you want to browse the map, only click the Search button when you have set the location and entered the dates.
Unwind the map and move to the desired location, or type in the (Where to go) field the name of the destination. Then enter the dates.
Once the map is positioned at the desired location, zoom in on the map, the more you zoom in, the more accommodation options will appear.
Attention: Prices shown refer to the total value for the period entered and for the number of people
Unwind the map and move to the desired location, or type in the (Where to go) field the name of the destination. Then enter the dates.
Once the map is positioned at the desired location, zoom in on the map, the more you zoom in, the more accommodation options will appear.
Attention: Prices shown refer to the total value for the period entered and for the number of people
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Advantages of taking out travel insurance with IATI
For more than 135 years, IATI SEGUROS has provided personalized advice on travel insurance, combining quality, service and price with different types of coverage, whether you are traveling alone, as a couple, with family, with friends, as a rest plan, cruise, adventure , etc. For this purpose we have designed a travel insurance adapted to your needs. All our coverages include travel medical insurance without deductibles or money advances, with a great team of professionals who will assist you 24 hours a day in your own language, either by phone (with reimbursement for calls) by email or through our own App. But medical coverage, being the most requested, is not the only one in our international insurance; these also include trip cancellation, extension of stay, civil liability and loss or theft of luggage among others.
For more than 135 years, IATI SEGUROS has provided personalized advice on travel insurance, combining quality, service and price with different types of coverage, whether you are traveling alone, as a couple, with family, with friends, as a rest plan, cruise, adventure , etc. For this purpose we have designed a travel insurance adapted to your needs. All our coverages include travel medical insurance without deductibles or money advances, with a great team of professionals who will assist you 24 hours a day in your own language, either by phone (with reimbursement for calls) by email or through our own App. But medical coverage, being the most requested, is not the only one in our international insurance; these also include trip cancellation, extension of stay, civil liability and loss or theft of luggage among others.
A type of policy for each type of trip
At IATI we have the best travel insurance for each type of traveler, so that they adapt 100% to your needs so you don´t have to pay for coverage you don´t need. For example: IATI Star, ideal for countries such as the US or Japan, IATI Backpacker for destinations such as Southeast Asia, IATI Families includes pediatric assistance for children, IATI Large Travelers for a trip of several months, IATI Standard with adequate intermediate coverage to most tourist destinations worldwide etc. We have the best international travel insurance whatever your next trip.
At IATI we have the best travel insurance for each type of traveler, so that they adapt 100% to your needs so you don´t have to pay for coverage you don´t need. For example: IATI Star, ideal for countries such as the US or Japan, IATI Backpacker for destinations such as Southeast Asia, IATI Families includes pediatric assistance for children, IATI Large Travelers for a trip of several months, IATI Standard with adequate intermediate coverage to most tourist destinations worldwide etc. We have the best international travel insurance whatever your next trip.
How to contract IATI travel insurance?
At IATI we like to make everything easy for you, and taking out travel insurance online from our page is really simple and intuitive. Simply complete the form with the data requested there and click on «calculate insurance», once this is done we will show you our travel insurance comparator where you can see its main coverage and the price of the insurance. If you wish, you can select up to three and access a much more detailed comparison in which you will see more broadly the coverage included in each type of policy. Once you have chosen the one that best suits your type of trip, click on contract, You make the payment and that´s it! You will receive an email with the details of your international medical insurance, information about the coverage contracted, your policy number and the telephone number from which you can contact us to request medical assistance while traveling or notify us of any other incident, such as loss or theft of luggage for which you need our help.
At IATI we have the best quality/price ratio on the market and we offer the best service, so enjoy your trip in peace. If something happens to you we will take care of everything.
At IATI we like to make everything easy for you, and taking out travel insurance online from our page is really simple and intuitive. Simply complete the form with the data requested there and click on «calculate insurance», once this is done we will show you our travel insurance comparator where you can see its main coverage and the price of the insurance. If you wish, you can select up to three and access a much more detailed comparison in which you will see more broadly the coverage included in each type of policy. Once you have chosen the one that best suits your type of trip, click on contract, You make the payment and that´s it! You will receive an email with the details of your international medical insurance, information about the coverage contracted, your policy number and the telephone number from which you can contact us to request medical assistance while traveling or notify us of any other incident, such as loss or theft of luggage for which you need our help.
At IATI we have the best quality/price ratio on the market and we offer the best service, so enjoy your trip in peace. If something happens to you we will take care of everything.
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Travel insurance |
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Advantages of taking out travel insurance with IATI
For more than 135 years, IATI SEGUROS has provided personalized advice on travel insurance, combining quality, service and price with different types of coverage, whether you are traveling alone, as a couple, with family, with friends, as a rest plan, cruise, adventure , etc. For this purpose we have designed a travel insurance adapted to your needs. All our coverages include travel medical insurance without deductibles or money advances, with a great team of professionals who will assist you 24 hours a day in your own language, either by phone (with reimbursement for calls) by email or through our own App. But medical coverage, being the most requested, is not the only one in our international insurance; these also include trip cancellation, extension of stay, civil liability and loss or theft of luggage among others.
For more than 135 years, IATI SEGUROS has provided personalized advice on travel insurance, combining quality, service and price with different types of coverage, whether you are traveling alone, as a couple, with family, with friends, as a rest plan, cruise, adventure , etc. For this purpose we have designed a travel insurance adapted to your needs. All our coverages include travel medical insurance without deductibles or money advances, with a great team of professionals who will assist you 24 hours a day in your own language, either by phone (with reimbursement for calls) by email or through our own App. But medical coverage, being the most requested, is not the only one in our international insurance; these also include trip cancellation, extension of stay, civil liability and loss or theft of luggage among others.
A type of policy for each type of trip
At IATI we have the best travel insurance for each type of traveler, so that they adapt 100% to your needs so you don´t have to pay for coverage you don´t need. For example: IATI Star, ideal for countries such as the US or Japan, IATI Backpacker for destinations such as Southeast Asia, IATI Families includes pediatric assistance for children, IATI Large Travelers for a trip of several months, IATI Standard with adequate intermediate coverage to most tourist destinations worldwide etc. We have the best international travel insurance whatever your next trip.
At IATI we have the best travel insurance for each type of traveler, so that they adapt 100% to your needs so you don´t have to pay for coverage you don´t need. For example: IATI Star, ideal for countries such as the US or Japan, IATI Backpacker for destinations such as Southeast Asia, IATI Families includes pediatric assistance for children, IATI Large Travelers for a trip of several months, IATI Standard with adequate intermediate coverage to most tourist destinations worldwide etc. We have the best international travel insurance whatever your next trip.
How to contract IATI travel insurance?
At IATI we like to make everything easy for you, and taking out travel insurance online from our page is really simple and intuitive. Simply complete the form with the data requested there and click on «calculate insurance», once this is done we will show you our travel insurance comparator where you can see its main coverage and the price of the insurance. If you wish, you can select up to three and access a much more detailed comparison in which you will see more broadly the coverage included in each type of policy. Once you have chosen the one that best suits your type of trip, click on contract, You make the payment and that´s it! You will receive an email with the details of your international medical insurance, information about the coverage contracted, your policy number and the telephone number from which you can contact us to request medical assistance while traveling or notify us of any other incident, such as loss or theft of luggage for which you need our help.
At IATI we have the best quality/price ratio on the market and we offer the best service, so enjoy your trip in peace. If something happens to you we will take care of everything.
At IATI we like to make everything easy for you, and taking out travel insurance online from our page is really simple and intuitive. Simply complete the form with the data requested there and click on «calculate insurance», once this is done we will show you our travel insurance comparator where you can see its main coverage and the price of the insurance. If you wish, you can select up to three and access a much more detailed comparison in which you will see more broadly the coverage included in each type of policy. Once you have chosen the one that best suits your type of trip, click on contract, You make the payment and that´s it! You will receive an email with the details of your international medical insurance, information about the coverage contracted, your policy number and the telephone number from which you can contact us to request medical assistance while traveling or notify us of any other incident, such as loss or theft of luggage for which you need our help.
At IATI we have the best quality/price ratio on the market and we offer the best service, so enjoy your trip in peace. If something happens to you we will take care of everything.
Vídeos de, Porto . Porto
Vídeo by: Antonio Martins
Shot on: 2010-02-25
Views: 2639
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Floresmila Del Carmen Rojas Mesquita ¡excelente video! oporto, una ciudad maravillosa,y el acompañamiento musical: lindo gracias por mostrar la belleza de ese país que adoro: portugal |
Zé Tó este foi por certo o pior filme que vi sobre a cidade do porto. muito fraco. a invicta cidade do porto merece mais e tem muito mais para oferecer. |
Ilma Santiago vim a portugal a passeio e apaixonei-me por esse pais tão fantásticoo, moro em Cascais que é muitoo lindo tb.estive no Porto adorei é lindoooo. parabéns pelo video és fantásticooo amei |
Joelice Lins sou brasileira casada com portugues morando a um ano e meio em matosinhos porto e posso dizer que nunca vi cidade tão linda e acolhedora e a ribeira então é demais. e a perte historica do porto é maravilhosa quem não conhece devia conhecer é mesmo linda e agradeço o previlégio de ser casada com um portugues extraordinário e ter vindo morar por cá |
Valdelice Cunha Dos Santos um sonho que ainda vou realizar um belo lugar, me aguarde portugal. |
Leda Sá (são Paulo) espetáculo!!! meu grande sonho é um dia poder conhecer portugal e em especial o porto. vendo esse vídeo me deixou com mais vontade de voar. se deus quiser, irei conhecer portugal muito em breve. bjsss |
Valdireni nunca fui a portugal dia xego la pq o cidade linda essa do porto tenho amigos k são d la, e outros aki do brasil k estão la a trabalho mas infelismente eu ainda naum pude ta la ....mas com fé em deus ainda vo gentii... |
Claudia olá pedro, eu realmente conheço muito bem leça das palmeiras e matosinho também, sempre que viajo a portugal,fico alguns dias no porto. É bom saber que outras pessoas gostam desses lugares que nao perderam seu charme. alias somos quase vizinhos, moro em sao paulo, capital. |
Pedro claudia, reparei que citou leça da palmeira. morei lá por vários anos, na rua oscar da silva. que saudade danada. lá se vão uns largos anos. eu moro em campias, sp |
Claudia parabéns sr. antonio!!! sou paulista e já estive por várias vezes em portugal e, esse video retrata muito bem a cidade do porto e seus principais pontos turisticos. eu realmente não me canso de ver a essa cidade com muitos pontos historicos preservados. só faltou a praia de leça das palmeiras....rsrsrsrs. um grande abraço a todos. |
Pedro eu morei em matosinhos, pertinho do porto e é sempre muito bom ver imagens dessa cidade maravilhosa. |
Regina Lucia visitei o porto em 2009 e tive vontade de me mudar para lá... muito linda, acolhedora... decididamente, se um dia tiver que sair do brasil quero morar em portugal... |
Arlete Alves Ferreira amei esta cidade ,é muita linda só de ver em vidéo ,imagine ir esta ai ao vivo ,usufluindo de tanta beleza .adoraria poder conhece-la um dia . |
Paola linda cidade!quero muito ainda conhece-la ao vivo! |
Marina Silva simplesmente lindo...É mesmo uma cidade maravilhosa. |
Mara Kaiser olha estou amando ver este video ., que através da net fiz amizades c/ portugueses há 3 anos ,. fazem parte de minha vida ,. pessoas amorosas ... e poder conheçer através desse video mais como vivem . bjs!carinho! |
Paula Santos não tenho palavras pra tantas saudades e tanta poesia. fecho os olhos e escuto o canto das gaivotas, imagino o poente frente ao douro. porto/gaia são muito mais poesias que cidades. |
Inajara lindo!quantas saudades já estou de tudo o que vivenciei nessa cidade fria, cinzenta sim, porém cheia de gente elegante e séria! amei vocês todos, me senti bem acolhida. um dia de certa voltarei! uma flor para tooooooodos... |
Cida linda cidade...como eu gostaria que meu grande sonho se realiza-se...Ñ perco a esperança de um dia conhecer esse pais...primeiro fatima, depois lisboa e dia quem sabe meu grande sonho se realiza com fé em deus..... bjos. |
Mara Robaina este vídeo me trouxe boas recordações, um dos lugares que sinto saudades é a ribeira, local de beleza,história e nostalgia... |
A.sousa ai que saudades!! que saudades daqueles por-de-sois tao lindos que eu assisti ai! e do franklim! ha grande frank deste-me cada moca!! mas cada segundo foi aproveitado.. |
Cris este vídeo, e a sua música me causam muita emoção muito grande sinto tanta nostalgia que choro, amo portugal como se fosse a minha pátria nunca estive em portugal, mais tudo que meu coração sente é como eu estivesse ai neste lindo e maravilhoso país. |
Tess perdi a conta das vezes que fiquei sentada à beira do douro comtemplando a linda paisagem. saudades imensas... |
Beth Del Ponte quantas saudades dos passeios em porto com meu filho joão...emocionante. |
Ylaine mto linda!! sinto que ainda tenho mto mais a conhecer tal localidade, vale a pena!! |
Khaissa sempre tive vontade de conhecer portugal cidade do porto entre outras muito lindo este video, belo muito belo mesmo. |
Rita De Cassia sr. martins, sou apaixonada péla cidade do porto e vendo esse video que maravilha, quem sabe um dia terei o prazer de conhecer essa cidade que admiro muito.adoreiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, sou brasileira mas adoro portugal e olha que nem conheço, só por fotos, com esse video eu viajei...bjus e bom final de semana |
Domingos Santos caro senhor antónio martins lhe agradeço do fundo do coração o muito obrigado por mostrar neste video os meus tempo de menino.que saudades tenho das nossa ribeira e do sr. conde que nos prorejia quando meninos quando tomava mos banho aí.por tudo isso é de emaltecer seu video que mostra um pouco da minha(nossa) linda de cidade que infelizmente está muito mal tratada.espero em breve voltar a ver la linda como sempre foi e sem obras. bem haja um abraço deste seu apreciador |
Katarina um bem haja sr.antonio marins e a sua equipa;muito bgd por este video k nos transporta á nossa cidade invicta,lindo lindo lindo ,e a musica muito bem escolhida ,parabens!!! |