Campi da golf a, Munique . Baviera
Munique . Germania
Altre foto di: Münchner Golf Eschenried - Golfplatz Gröbenbach
Telefono..: +49 08131-567456
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The public 9-hole course "Gröbenbach" of the Munich Golf Centre Eschenried is now, after a costly expansion, open for all handicaps and offers beginners in particular ideal playing possibilities; beginners can achieve first successes, despite a doglegs and large water. The spacious training area of the affiliated golf school Gröbenbach offers optimal training conditions.
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Münchner Golf Eschenried - Golfplatz Gröbenbach
Münchner Golf Eschenried - Golfplatz Gröbenbach
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Campi da golf vicini a
Münchner Golf Eschenried - Golfplatz Gröbenbach
Münchner Golf Eschenried - Golfplatz Gröbenbach