Campi da golf a, Frankfurt am Main . Hessen
Altre foto di: Sommerfeld Golf Friedberg Gmbh
Telefono..: +49 06031-1619980
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Due to its numerous water hazards influencing the game at 12 holes, including an island green at hole 7, this 27-hole course situated 15.5 miles outside of Frankfurt can only be rated as technically sophisticated. The course provides a beautiful panoramic view of Frankfurt and Wetterau as well as the Vogelsberg. The 9-hole course open to the public is characterised by small greens and a great number of slopes.
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Sommerfeld Golf Friedberg Gmbh
Sommerfeld Golf Friedberg Gmbh
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Campi da golf vicini a
Sommerfeld Golf Friedberg Gmbh
Sommerfeld Golf Friedberg Gmbh